Welcome to Heartbeat Rescue

Mission Statement

Equipping retail teams with training to respond to customers, teammates, and community members in emergency situations.

Vision Statement

Creating a safer community for all individuals through CPR education.

Why is Basic life saving measures important?

Basic life-saving (BLS) measures, such as CPR, first aid, or delivery of an AED is essential in enabling individuals to provide immediate care in emergencies.

BLS training allows for individuals to recognize and react to life-threatening emergencies, by providing CPR, first aid, or early use of an AED.

BLS leads to increasing the probability of survival by acting promptly before professional medical help can arrive. This is particularly relevant in situations where every second is vital; it enables individuals to take proactive measures and potentially save lives in urgent circumstances.



CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is an emergency procedure used to aid in cardiac arrests.

CPR involves giving strong, rapid chest compressions to support blood flow and oxygenation to vital organs within the body.


AEDs (automated external defibrillators) are small portable devices used to provide a normal heart rhythm during cardiac arrest.

AEDs analyze the heart rate of a victim and if needed provide an electrical shock.

First Aid

First aid is the immediate medical care given to a victim with a sudden illness or injury.

First aid can include learning how to respond to injuries and illnesses, stopping emergent bleeds, treating wounds, checking responsiveness of victims, and handling sudden illnesses.

First aid can help with preventing further injuries or illnesses.



American Training Association for CPR. (2024, June 28). The difference between CPR and first aid. The Difference Between CPR and First Aid. https://www.uscpronline.com/blog/cpr-vs-first-aid-the-basic-difference

Cleveland Clinic. (2024, March 31). Life support measures. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/12362-life-support-measures

Mascitti, A. (2023, September 6). What is basic life support (BLS)?. AED Brands. https://www.aedbrands.com/blog/what-is-basic-life-support-bls/

Red Cross. (2025). ALS vs. BLS: Key differences. https://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/bls-training/difference-between-als-and-bls

Skills Training Group. (2023, October 29). Adult basic life support (BLS): Assessment, steps, algorithm. Skills Training Group. https://www.skillstg.co.uk/blog/adult-basic-life-support/

Heartbeat Rescue

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